Thursday, October 21, 2010

Google Adwords / Sponsored links / Google PPC Campaign / Online Advertising by Google

Google Adwords Listing Details:

Campaign > Ad Group #1

Ad Group Name <= 255 Characters
Google Adwords Title Length should be <=25 Characters
Description Line 1 <=35 Characters
Description Line 2 <=35 Characters
Display Url <= 35 Characters
Destination Url <=1020 Characters

Try to maintain different Campaigns for different Categories as well as Sub Categories as Ad Groups under relevant Campaigns like

Ex: Campaign 1 > Ad Group #1 / Ad Group #2 / Ad Group #3

You Can Rename the Campaign name as well as Ad Group Name for better understanding.

As you know that to PPC Campaign is the best option to get a decent traffic from search engines for brand new website. Google Sandbox filter will be applied to all brand new websites and will lost some where between 6-9 months. Mean while gradually build the content on your website as well as backlinks from authoritative websites, directories, social medias etc and that should not be done overnight. Slow and Steady Wins the Race...

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you've done a really good job already! Cheers for the information..Please keep updating your blog....... by
    SCI 256 Week 1 provider.
